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Silent Arc

Silent Arc

Lon Hei

Archival pigment print. Limited edition of 30. 

11.7 x 16.5 in

Hong Kong 7 working days
Global delivery, 20 - 25 working days

The Shawshank Redemption 月黑高飛

作品利用漫畫圖像述事的手法,沿用<The Shawshank Redemption月黑高飛>的結尾而衍生的假想結局。電影主角Andy ( Timothy Francis Robbins飾) 因含冤被判無期徒刑而長期監禁,並結識同時被判為無期徒刑的Red ( Morgan Freeman飾)。在這個漫長及具挑戰的監禁生涯中,安迪沒有失去對自由的渴望,而且與瑞德成為莫逆之交,約定某天在墨西哥的海邊小鎮再會。

後來,安迪越獄了,瑞德也隨著獲假釋出獄,並去約定之地尋找失蹤的安迪。這個起碼絕對是振奮人心: 奮不顧身的追尋自由及歌頌識於微時的友情。


<No Country for Old Men二百萬奪命奇案>的獨行殺手Anton Chigurh (Javier Ángel Encinas Bardem飾)就在此列,將會利用他在戲中的氣筒槍,毫不猶豫地把Andy劃上句號。現實所發生的漣漪有時就是沒辦法解釋,總帶著不少的遺憾,而這一切將會在胡裡胡塗之間隨風而去。

The film is a comic book graphic narrative with a hypothetical ending based on the ending of The Shawshank Redemption. Andy (Timothy Francis Robbins), the protagonist of the film, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for a wrongful conviction and befriends Red (Morgan Freeman), who is also sentenced to life imprisonment. Throughout his long and challenging prison sentence, Andy does not lose his desire to be free, and becomes a close friend of Red's, with a promise to meet again someday in a Mexican seaside town.

When Andy escapes from prison, Reed is released on parole and goes on a quest to find Andy, who has disappeared. This is an exciting story: a desperate search for freedom and a celebration of a friendship made in the small hours.

However, the reality of the human heart is like a piece of uncertainty, sometimes sinking, sometimes surfacing. In this whimsical opportunity, why not try to arrange a character who is full of principles but does not abide by them? 

Anton Chigurh (Javier Ángel Encinas Bardem), the lone assassin of ‘No Country for Old Men’, is one such character, and he will use his airsoft gun in the film to put an end to Andy without hesitation. The ripples of reality are sometimes inexplicable and regrettable, and they will be lost in the wind.

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